X-3: The Last Stand
Starring Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian McKellen
Written by Mike Dougherty and Dan Harris
Directed by Brett Ratner
I often think to myself, “Damn, I wish I was a mutant”. I mean honestly, who wouldn’t want to be a mutant. The ability to shoot fire or ice from your hands, the ability to change the weather, the ability to move metal with simple hand gestures, and tell me, who the hell wouldn’t want to have Adamantium claws spike out of their hands when they got angry. Nobody. So that is why X-Men 3: The Last Stand is so relatable and in turn enjoyable.
In the third and supposedly last installment of the X-Men film franchise, we definitely get our money’s worth ($107 million at the box office in 3-days, a Memorial Day weekend record high). X3 is packed from start to end with special effects filled action sequences that look like our favorite Saturday morning cartoon come-to-life and appearances by all our favorite mutants. In an early scene where some young X-Men are being trained by veteran X-Men, Storm (Halle Berry) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), the sequence looks like something from a James Cameron movie (not Titanic) and even gives us a glimpse of a Sentinel (fan-boys and girls will know what I am talking about). Being a mutant has always carried the sub-text of being an outsider or more specifically like being gay or being an immigrant from another country, so the plot in X3 which revolves around the idea that there is now a cure for being a mutant is bound to anger a few mutants and people as well. And it has definitely ticked off one particular mutant named Magneto (Ian McKellen), who also happens to lead a band of bad-ass mutants called the Brotherhood. Let’s just say they are not as peaceful as Charles Xavier’s (Patrick Stewart) X-Men. With that being said, a war soon breaks out where good mutants who believe in the good of mankind square off against the bad mutants who believe in the extinction of mankind or as they like to call them, “Homosapiens”. If you are a fan of the X-Men from the comics and cartoon series, you will also be thrilled to see the Jean Grey/Phoenix storyline be played out.
As I mentioned before, X3 is suppose to be the third and last installment in the series, so when I heard that Brett Ratner was directing instead of Bryan Singer -- I kind of freaked out a little. Nothing against Brett Ratner, Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2 were a lot of fun and I am sure Rush Hour 3 will be too, but this is the X-Men we are talking about here! Bryan Singer brought the X-Men to the big-screen with such grace and care (I can’t wait to see Superman Returns, and not just because I am a huge fan of Superman) and to hear that he wasn’t going to be in charge of the final chapter was a little alarming. Have no fear though, Mr. Brett Ratner did not mess anything up. The movie still keeps the integrity that Bryan Singer built in the first two X-Men films and manages to do so with a bang. The cast is also filled with an extensive list of talented actors such as Anna Paquin (Rogue), Famke Janssen (Jean Grey), Kelsey Grammer (Beast), Rebecca Romijn (Mystique), James Marsden (Cyclops), Shawn Ashmore (Iceman), and Vinnie Jones (Juggernaut) -- just to name a few (I am not kidding).
X-Men 3: The Last Stand is filled with justified and satisfying action and it contains a message that is thought provoking. X3 is definitely the best 2006 summer movie so far and an honorable end to a wonderful superhero film series. Bravo!
The Good: Lots of action and X-Men fans will not be disappointed.
The Bad: Strays a bit from the comic book and cartoon storyline.
The Law: Join the Last Stand and check out X3.