Movies. Films. And movies.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Young Adult

Buddy Slade: Mercury's changed a lot since then, though. We're way less of a hick town.

Mavis Gary: Really?

Buddy Slade: Yeah, we've got this place. It beats Woody's, right? And we're getting a new Chipotle at the mall.

Mavis Gary: And I noticed you got a KenTacoHut. You know, one of those Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell.

Buddy Slade: Pizza Hut! That's genius. KenTacoHut. You sound like one of your crazy characters.

Young Adult
Starring Charlize Theron, Patrick Wilson, Patton Oswalt
Written by Diablo Cody
Directed by Jason Reitman
Plot: A divorced thirtysomething author of young adult novels goes from the big city back to her smalltown hometown in the hopes of winning back her old high school boyfriend, who is now married and has a baby.

"A bold, fresh film. Brave storytelling with great moments of sadness and laughter. The team of Reitman and Cody is unbeatable."

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