Movies. Films. And movies.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Money for Nothing

Joey Coyle: Think about it Kenny. Did we hurt anyone?

Kenny Kozlowski: No.

Joey Coyle: Did we steal it from anyone?

Kenny Kozlowski: No.

Joey Coyle: Are we giving it back. Hell no!

Money for Nothing
Starring John Cusack, Debi Mazar, Michael Madsen
Written Ramón Menéndez, Tom Musca, Carol Sobieski; based on the article by Mark Bowden
Directed by Ramón Menéndez        
Plot: An unemployed dockworker's life is turned upside down when he finds and keeps $1.2 million in South Philadelphia. Based on a true story.

"An interesting, sometimes comical, sometimes heartfelt film that keeps you engaged throughout..."

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