Movies. Films. And movies.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Imitation Game

Alan Turing: I like solving problems, Commander. And Enigma is the most difficult problem in the world.

Commander Denniston: Enigma isn't difficult, it's impossible. The Americans, the Russians, the French, the Germans, everyone thinks Enigma is unbreakable.

Alan Turing: Good. Let me try and we'll know for sure, won't we?

The Imitation Game
Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode
Written by Graham Moore
Directed by Morten Tyldum
Plot: The story of World War 2 mathematician Alan Turing and how he tries to crack the Enigma code - a code the Nazis used for major communication.

"Fascinating... Intriguing from the first frame to the last... A solid film."

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