I saw Superman Returns yesterday! What a rush! There is hope in the world again! I love you Superman!

Superman Returns
Starring Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth
Written by Michael Dougherty & Dan Harris
Directed by Bryan Singer
I lost my breath and was literally shaking as the ominous Superman March hit my ears and the famous “S” flashed up on the big screen. The first Superman movie was released in 1978 (the year I am proud to say I was born in) and ever since then I have been a fan of the big guy in blue and red tights. I love Superman and I believe so do many others, whether they like to admit it or not, they all secretly have a Superman shirt and red cape stashed away somewhere in their house.
Christopher Reeve was Superman and he will always be in my mind. However, Brandon Routh’s portrayal of the Man of Steel is just as worthy. The movie loosely takes place right after Superman II (the one where Superman fights the three baddies in black and finally does the deed with Miss Lane) and Superman has been missing for the past five years. The world has moved on and so has Superman/Clark Kent’s love, Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth gives a solid performance, but comes off a little too young and lacks bite) who claims, “...the world doesn’t need a savior and neither do I” -- but in Metropolis and the very real post 9/11 climate of reality, we all know we could use someone like Superman. He is a symbol of hope -- the greatest super-power anyone can possess. Yeah, he can fly and shoot fire from his eyes and yeah, he is bulletproof -- but more importantly he stands for the good we all are capable of and that makes him the king of all heroes as far as I am concerned. Too goody-two-shoes for you? Well, that’s alright because Kevin Spacey’s performance as Lex Luthor is truly inspired and outright entertaining. Spacey plays the master criminal with the perfect amount of humour and is joyfully evil. It is no wonder the man has two Academy Awards under his belt.
Written by former X-Men scribes, Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris and directed by former X-Men director, Bryan Singer -- the movie was destined to be great before a foot of film was shot. Superman Returns looks fantastic, but it is our human connection with Clark Kent/Superman that makes us fall in love with the movie. We all feel like an “outsider” sometimes and wish we could fly away for awhile, but we can’t. Same with Superman, except for the fact that he can fly away, but he chooses not to for the sake of the world. He says to Lois, “...you say the world doesn’t need a savior... but everyday I hear people crying for one”. I am feeling goose bumps again...
I don’t care what anyone says -- Superman is the best. No other super-hero even comes close. After all, he was the first. Not Batman, not Spider-Man, not Hulk, not anybody you can list -- they are no Superman. With Superman Returns, I believe Superman is back and is here to stay. The original Superman is still the best Superman on screen, but Superman Returns makes his father proud. With a bright light, Superman Returns introduces a whole new generation of children to Superman and brings back hope to the world once again. So, whip out your Superman shirt and dust off your red cape because Superman has returned!
The Good: A movie that inspires and entertains. It is a visual and emotional feast.
The Bad: No one can replace Christopher Reeve as Superman, but Brandon Routh makes us proud.
The Law: Superman has returned! We love you, Superman! Please don’t go away again! Watch the movie, then watch it again in Imax 3D and then watch it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...