Murder Unveiled
Starring Anita Majumdar, Chenier Hundal
Written by S. Bennett, M.R. Smith and Directed by Vic Sarin
I can actually say that I used to walk home from school with the star of this made-for-tv movie, Murder Unveiled. Anita Majumdar was my neighbor and I am very proud of her performance in this wonderfully crafted film.
Murder Unveiled takes us into the world of arranged marriages that still exists in East Indian Culture. True love is allowed, as long as you love someone from a family that your family has handpicked with a certain level of respect and riches. Murder Unveiled is based on the true story of Jaswinder Kaur, who was murdered for loving a “peasant” and rejecting her family’s wishes of marrying someone from a wealthy family. When your father’s motto is, “A daughter is only a guest in her father’s house” -- that is not a good sign. Although tragic, all the elements of this story make a great film. Forbidden love, murder, exotic locations, lots of yelling and fighting -- it’s all there. For those of us who are a lucky enough to choose who we want to marry, Murder Unveiled will give us a taste of what it is like to have that freedom taken away and hopefully will help us understand and sympathize with women from cultures that still follow old-fashioned customs like arranged marriage.
Check out Murder Unveiled if you can get a copy of the film (it aired on CBC, Canada) -- and Anita, if you happen to be reading this, I just want to say that I am so proud of you and how far you have come -- may you be the next Julia Roberts!
The Good: An elegantly crafted film that entertains and raises discussion.
The Bad: Could have used some more advertising and promotion to get more exposure to the world.
The Law: Watch Murder Unveiled if you can find a copy of it.
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