I went to the Richmond Night Market. Lots of great food, good looking girls, and shady items from HK. Good times!

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Starring Jason Mewes, Kevin Smith, Shannon Elizabeth
Written and Directed by Kevin Smith
To someone who has never seen a single Kevin Smith movie before -- this film is worthless. To someone who has followed his career since Clerks -- this film is gold. Kevin Smith is not a brilliant director, but fortunately for him and us, he is one funny writer. And that has always been the selling point for his films. That and his trademark characters, Jay and Silent Bob, who we first met in Clerks, way back at the beginning of the 90’s Miramax/Indie film era.
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is like a love letter to the characters of Jay and Silent Bob and Kevin Smith’s beloved characters from Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy. He also manages to show us his “view askew” (name of Smith’s production company) on things like the film industry, its movies, and the internet culture. The plot is not hard to understand: Jay and Silent Bob go on a road trip to Hollywood to try and stop Miramax from making a movie based on them, since they are receiving no royalties and getting bashed on the internet by geeks for it. So off go Jay and Silent Bob, where along the way they end up meeting Jay’s dream girl, played by American Pie’s Shannon Elizabeth, who ends up getting them involved in an ape stealing fiasco. They also meet a slew of characters like Federal Wildlife Marshal Willenholly, played by Will Ferrell and others played by Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Chris Rock, George Carlin, Seann William Scott, Judd Nelson, Eliza Dushku, Ali Larter, Jamie Kennedy, etc, etc, etc -- needless to say, Smith has access to a lot of people.
Filled with inside jokes from other popular films (ET, Star Wars, Good Will Hunting, Scream) and plenty of potty-mouthed and just plain potty humour, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is probably not the best date film, but if you and the guys want to feel like you are drunk and in your teens again -- this is the film for you. And if you happen to also be a Kevin Smith/film/pop culture aficionado, then this is definitely the film for you.
The Good: A fun time for fans of Kevin Smith only.
The Bad: Like a big inside joke and if you’re not inside, this film has nothing to offer you.
The Law: Kevin Smith fan = Watch!
Who is Kevin Smith? = Don’t watch!
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