Movies. Films. And movies.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Girl (TV Series 2005-2006, Korea)
Starring Da-hae Lee, Dong-Wook Lee, Jun-gi Lee, Si-hyeon Park
Written by Jeong-eun Hong and Mi-ran Hong
Directed by Gi-Sang Jeon

I don’t usually discuss TV shows on my blog, but I thought I would say a few words about one I just finished watching. My Girl, a 16-part rom-com TV series from Korea was one of the most enjoyable ”soap” style TV shows I have ever watched. It deals with a lot of “Asian” themes such as self-sacrifice, family loyalty, and love that is free of sexual undertones. If the series ever played in North America, let’s just say that it would be on either the Family or Hallmark Channel. That however is what makes the series so endearing. It’s classic “Frank Capraesque” style storytelling and its innocence reminds us that we don’t always need to be reminded of how cynical the world is, especially on TV and at the movies.

I don’t want to reveal too much about the plot, but the story is basically about the romantic and comic escapades that ensue between the lead and his love interest after he hires her to pretend to be his long-lost sister in order to please his dying grandfather. The conflict is he actually starts to fall in love with his “sister” and desperately tries to find his real sister before they are destined to be related forever.

I strongly encourage you to go to your local Asian market and obtain a copy of the show (or watch it in segments on and discover how fun this series really is for yourself.

*Special thanks to CT and her dad for introducing me to the show.


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