Ultimate Avengers
Starring Justin Gross, Michael Massee, Nan McNamara
Written by Greg Johnson, Boyd Kirkland, Craig Kyle
Directed by Curt Geda, Steven E. Gordon, Bob Richardson
I am a diehard fan of the DC Universe, but that does not mean I don’t like a little Marvel now and then. DC is much more fantasy based as Marvel tends to try and make everything scientifically plausible -- but that is cool I say. Animated comic book films are always fun and I am glad to say Ultimate Avengers is no exception.
Ultimate Avengers is a straight-to-DVD release from Lions Gate Family Entertainment, but don’t let that fact turn you off. Yes, the production value is a little lower, but the story of the return of Captain America and the reformation of the classic Avengers Team (Iron Man, Giant Man, The Wasp, Hulk, Thor) is good fun. If you happen to be a comic book geek and fan of The Avengers, you will love it, but if you just happen to like action cartoons -- you will love it too. The animation is not great, but good enough and the story is your basic heroes versus aliens invading Earth plot -- but like I said, it all works and it is fun to watch. Now, what more could you want?
The Good: Good fun entertainment.
The Bad: May be a little too simple and straightforward for fans of the genre.
The Law: It’s simple. It’s fun.
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