Captain Haddock: I thought you were an optimist.
Tintin: You were wrong, weren't you? I'm a realist.
Captain Haddock: Ah, it's just another name for a quitter.
Tintin: You can call me what you like. Don't you get it? We failed.
Captain Haddock: Failed. There are plenty of others willing to call you a failure. A fool. A loser. A hopeless souse. Don't you ever say it of yourself. You send out the wrong signal, that is what people pick up. Don't you understand? You care about something, you fight for it. You hit a wall, you push through it. There's something you need to know about failure, Tintin. You can never let it defeat you.
The Adventures of Tintin
Starring Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig
Written by Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright, Joe Cornish; based on the comic book series by Hergé
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Plot: Tintin, a journalist whose middle name is adventure, sets out to solve the mystery behind a ship called The Unicorn and a hidden treasure.
"Indiana Jones for kids -- The Adventures of Tintin is a good old fashion adventure! Great family entertainment and an opening credit sequence that is not to be missed!"
Labels: Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Edgar Wright, Hergé, Jamie Bell, Joe Cornish, Steven Moffat, Steven Spielberg, The Adventures of Tintin
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