Movies. Films. And movies.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Bruce Wayne: Why didn't you just kill me?

Bane: Your punishment must be more severe.

Bruce Wayne: Torture?

Bane: Yes, but not of the body. Of the soul. I will build you and Gotham up with hope and then destroy you. Hope is really the key to torture. Gotham will build to a point of joy and then be wiped from the map.

Bruce Wayne: You are a madman.

Bane: When Gotham is ashes... then you have my permission to die.

The Dark Knight Rises
Starring Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman
Written by Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan
Directed by Christopher Nolan
Plot: After eight years of hiding, Batman rises to take on a terrorist leader known as Bane and meets a fine lady named Catwoman.

"Definitely not the strongest of the trilogy, but still packs quite a punch! Any flaws are forgiven as the cast is magnificent and the action is spectacular!"

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