Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
Starring Jason David Frank, Amy Jo Johnson, Paul Freeman
Written by John Kamps & Arne Olsen
Directed by Bryan Spicer
I remember way back in the early 90s when my friend, SJ and I used to come home from school, cook up some instant noodles and watch some good old fashioned Power Rangers. Ah, those were the days indeed. And here I am today, some thirteen odd years later, watching the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie for the first time. If you were such a big fan, why haven’t you seen the Power Rangers movie until now, you say? Well, yes, it did come out in 1995 and yes, it does seem like an odd time in my life to be watching this movie -- but the answer is simple: girls. Between 1993 (the height of the Power Rangers fame) and 1995, I kind of got distracted by the opposite sex and the days of having instant noodles and watching TV after school were replaced with having instant noodles and watching girls at the mall.
Well, thirteen years later, I am happy to say the Power Rangers still strike a cord with me (hey, if Johnny Depp’s kids still watch Power Rangers, that’s pretty cool I say). The story of six teenagers with enhanced powers provided by the great Zordon (kind of like Yoda and the Wizard of Oz mixed in one) protecting the city of Angel Grove still manages to entertain me today. Yes, the effects are a little cheap and the dialogue is extremely cornball and cheesy, but really, who can resist those shiny and colorful suits. The martial arts sequences are still full of energy and the extreme sports lifestyle of those extraordinary teenagers is still kid friendly. The only thing I would say that parents have to watch out for is that the main villain in this film (Ivan Ooze) may come off a little frightening if they happen to have really sensitive children. Ivan Ooze kind of looks too much like Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street series for me and that is sure to frighten somebody out there (especially if you grew up in the 80s). Other than that, it is pretty much good guys versus bad guys and I don’t have to tell you who wins.
So, if you happen to have kids or if you happen to want to feel like one for about an hour and a half, go rent Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. Oh, and also the females in the film are kind of cute too, so really, you can’t lose with this movie.
The Good: Positive family friendly fun.
The Bad: Villain may be a little frightening to some children.
The Law: Lots of action and flashy colors to keep you or your kids entertained.
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