*Al Gore: Should we prepare for other threats besides terrorists?
An Inconvenient Truth
Starring Al Gore, The World
Directed by Davis Guggenheim
THE CASE: Former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore’s campaign to make global warming a recognized threat is documented.
THE GOOD: Al Gore is very charismatic and surprisingly funny as he warns us of the imminent end of the world due to global warming. He provides the audience with some really good information about global warming and does so in a very entertaining way with hilarious cartoons, crazy-ass graph charts, and some wicked disaster simulations.
THE BAD: It is a documentary and as a documentary it does have its moments of absolute boredom.
THE LAW: Of all the documentaries out there, this is one of the better ones. It is for the most part, very entertaining and helps us realize that we better start recognizing global warming as a real threat and start doing something about it. Go rent it tonight.
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