Movies. Films. And movies.

Monday, January 01, 2007

*Amanda: You know Graham, I just broke up with someone and considering you just showed up and you’re insanely good-looking and probably won't remember me anyway... I'm thinking we should have sex... If you want.

Graham: Is that a trick question?

The Holiday
Starring Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black
Written and Directed by Nancy Meyers

THE CASE: After two woman who have decided they are fed up with men swap homes (one is in England and the other is in California) they find themselves falling in love yet again with some local men.

THE GOOD: This film is very comedic and very romantic. Coming from the mind of Nancy Meyers, it is rom-com at its best. The characters are relatable and very lovable. They speak with great sincerity and make us all believe in love again. Setting the film during Christmas and New Year’s really helps heighten the romance and actually releasing the film during the holiday season heightens it even more. All you have to do is pick which character you are most like in the film and sit back and swoon.

THE BAD: Again, with this kind of genre, you can expect the mountains of cheese, corn, and sweetness. But hey, we all need a little cheese, corn, and sweetness now and then.

THE LAW: Go see this film if you are in the mood for love. I saw it on Christmas Eve with someone I love very much and it was one of the best times I have ever had at the the movies.


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